Illiana Lifestyle Fall 2022 | Page 13

reds ,” Danzl said .
Sassafras trees have high sugar content and is why they have the red coloration . Oak trees also typically have more of a reddish , brownish coloration .
Shagbark hickory trees and tulip trees have a lot of yellow colors . Sometimes sugar maples can be orange or yellow depending on the weather .
Danzl said there are a lot of great spots to visit in the fall in the county parks .
If someone is to visit Forest Glen in rural Westville , Danzl suggests going to the observation tower to get a bird ’ s-eye view above the treetops to see all those puffs of color .
People can take a hike on Willow Creek Trail as it meanders along the creek , and it would be beautiful . Crab Tree Trail also is gorgeous for fall color . Those two trails are adjacent to the Gannett Outdoor Education Center .
Danzl said Beech Grove also is really nice . It ’ s the ADA-accessible trail .
At Kennekuk County Park along Henning Road outside Danville , Look Out Point Trail has a high diversity of trees . It ’ s one of Danzl ’ s favorite spots to see fall colors .
Hidden Valley Trail is another good hiking trail when the hickory leaves turn yellow .
“ You ’ re just walking underneath a yellow canopy of gorgeousness ,” Danzl said .
Wheeler Trail also is fully paved .
Those who visit Heron County Park on West Newell Road , Lake Vermilion and Lake Mingo can see the tree colors reflected in the water ,
which is beautiful , she said .
Danzl said she also is very much looking forward to the fall color change on the Kickapoo Rail Trail .
Vermilion County Conservation District Executive Director Jamie Pasquale also has some favorite spots to see fall colors .
According to Pasquale , some of the best spots to see the fall tree leaves ’ colors are from the tower at Forest Glen . For people with boats , Lake Vermilion and Lake Mingo
A new sign at Kennekuk County Park . Photo by Jennifer Bailey
offer great views from the water to see the fall colors .
He added that late September and October are busy times for weddings in the parks . The barns at Kennekuk are in high demand during the fall .
Another benefit of seeing the fall colors is there is typically less humidity in the fall , so the blue skies are even more blue . They ’ re this gorgeous blue color , Danzl added , saying high humidity can make the sky look a little hazy .