ILHA Magazine Q2 2022 V7.0 | Page 125

is personalization , from when they book their trip to when they depart . Many hoteliers offer their guests personalized , easy-to-access services and amenities through a customized software program developed by RealTime Reservation .
This software has quickly gained acceptance throughout the industry . More than 450 properties are using this proprietary customized software quickly integrated with the hotel ' s PMS , POS , and credit card processing systems .
Meeting Customer Demands
Customers today are more demanding than ever and at a time when they have more options . With the industry still rebounding from COVID-19 , many public spaces require capacity control in various places , ensuring that they are compliant and guests receive the personalized services in which they are interested . Guests want to order everything in advance of their arrival , not just the ability to book their room . This begs the question of why customers should have to wait to book amenities and experiences , such as a guest cabana , daybeds , spa treatment , food and beverage services , access to a fitness center , and even parking , when they do not have to . RealTime Reservation ’ s software product provides hotel guests an easy way to secure such amenities at the time of booking , ensuring they can receive these services and not miss out upon arrival .
Importantly this process is seamless for the guest as it is white labeled and integrated directly into the hotel and resort website . Twelve modules allow for complete customization and flexibility . Since the software is integrated into the hotelier ' s credit card processing system and PMS , guests can pay through the hotel / resort through room charge and or by credit card . And the hotel acquires important guest information and preferences to execute precise remarketing for future visits .
Benefits to Hoteliers
Improving the guest experience alone would be enough for most hoteliers to justify the expense of integrating a software system such as RealTime Reservation . But there are real benefits to the operators as well .
To start , hoteliers can capture ancillary revenues pre-arrival . For many , this has been a lost revenue opportunity that is now easily captured . In addition , this allows the hoteliers to improve inventory management , maximize operational efficiency , and streamline internal operations easily and quickly .
When developing this one-of-akind software , we quickly realized that this is not a ' one size fits all ' solution as the availability of services , amenities , and experiences differs from one hotelier to the next . While the original product focused on renting the pool and beach cabanas , hotels and resorts now have twelve modules from which to choose . This includes everything from RealTime Amenities , Activity , Food and Beverage to RealTime Parking , DayPasses , Retail and Meetings . These modules have been created based on direct response to hotelier ' s requirements and will continue to expand as required .
The software is compliant with all major hotel and resort brands for security and integration . It allows for integration for other commonly used technology vendors , including Micro Simphony , Elavon , and FreedomPay , to name a few . This lets hotels and resorts use this platform for end-to-end real-time inventory management while tracking transactions from start to finish .
In summary , it is exciting to see the role that technology plays in supporting the hotel and resort industry as it rebounds from the economic impact of COVID-19 . For an increasing number of hoteliers , a software solution such as the one from RealTime Reservations provides significant benefits to both the operator and the guest .
About the author Shawn Tarter , CEO & Founder , RealTime Reservation , an organization that provides real-time inventory management reservation software to the hospitality / travel industry located in Uniondale , Long Island . Following his personal experience as a hotel guest , Shawn was eager to provide hotels with ways to improve the customer experience while delivering services that support client satisfaction and loyalty . In 2015 , Shawn founded Ipalapa Corporation , which was rebranded in 2019 to RealTime Reservation . The company has experienced significant sales and revenue growth in the three short years since its rebrand , despite operating during a global pandemic . Today , the company employs forty professionals across development , R & D , client services , administration , sales , and marketing and boasts more than 450 clients .
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