ILHA Magazine Q2 2022 V7.0 | Page 121

More than 500 million ransomware attacks were estimated to have been attempted by hackers in the first nine months of 2021 , making last year the most expensive for data security on record . The only way hotels can defend themselves against these incursions is by practicing good data stewardship by diligently recording backups — and educating your hotel ’ s staff about potential vulnerabilities going forward .
Ransomware is a category of malicious software designed to prevent users from accessing infected machines . Once infected , users find themselves unable to access their data and are prompted to pay a “ ransom ” to regain access to their files . While paying a hacker for access to your own computer is difficult to believe , impacted users are encouraged not to interact with the anonymous originator of the virus or provide payment . These activities will embolden hackers , enabling them to compromise further machines in the future and fail to guarantee your machines will remain safe from repeat hacks in the future .
Rather than play along with a hacker and hope they hold up their end of the bargain , the only reliable way to defend your property against a ransomware attack is to delete your files and restore to the most recent backup . That said , prevention remains the best cure .
Scam School
A hotel ’ s first defense against ransomware is preventing it from gaining access to the property ’ s system . This can be difficult in the era of phishing scams , whereby hackers impersonate trusted sources in digital communications such as email in order to trick users . Phishing emails are often full of loaded links which , once clicked , are designed to provide hackers with unauthorized access to a business ’ systems .
Phishing scams are effective when users are busy , stressed , or unable to pay attention to small details . Unfortunately , the current hospitality and labor environment are perfect for this type of exploitation to flourish . Hoteliers should exercise caution when
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