ilas-conference-2021 | Page 36

Chloe Pritchard ( Advertise your Research )
School of Psychology
Who are child witnesses ? Reflective diaries to hear their voices
The child witness voice has often been missing from the conversation within the UK criminal justice system . Child witnesses are those who testify , aged 17 years and younger , and qualify for additional measures to give their best evidence . But we do not know if these measures go far enough to help or how the court experience affects young witnesses ( Plotnikoff & Woolfson , 2019 ). As part of this PhD research , we have heard from those who were child witnesses and individuals who observed a child witness using reflective diaries . An in-depth analysis of what was said ( IPA ; Smith et al ., 2012 ) disclosed barriers to testimony , an emotional journey preceding and following the court process and special measures which do not go far enough to support child witnesses . Changes to policy and procedure are needed to help future young people who testify , but also the public can make their own difference .
Postgraduate Conference 2021 Page 35