ilas-conference-2021 | Page 44

Alana Wheat ( Poster and Advertise your Research )
School of Geography , Geology and the Environment
Poster and Advertise your Research
The Geographies of Climate and Ecological Emergencies – Sustainable communities and youth for nature ’ s recovery in Staffordshire
This project explores the role of cooperation and coordination between community groups , young people , and their local areas in efforts to tackle the climate and ecological emergencies that faces today ’ s society . This focuses on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown ’ s influence on climate action amongst the communities of Staffordshire and exploring peoples ’ ( re ) connection with nature . The methods used included questionnaires to residents of Staffordshire and public contributions to a map of ‘ green ’ places and spaces , and an exhibition titled ‘ Sustainable Staffordshire ’ highlighting people ’ s experiences of place in Staffordshire and throughout lockdown . The project was shared on a website . Overall , the research considers the collaboration , barriers , and overall efforts towards a more sustainable Staffordshire , aiming to make sustainability a local issue . In turn , helping to create a network of green communities , individuals , and organisations that contribute positive sustainable behaviour post COVID-19 .
Postgraduate Conference 2021 Page 43