by Daniel Celada
these is the “Menu” section, in which the user
has access to the food and drinks (alcoholic
and non-alcoholic) menu. The “Account” Section contains a preview of the account in real
time so the user can check his shopping up to
that specific moment and organize his budget
and potential expenses. Lastly, the “CheckIn” Section allows one to share their location
through Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare,
allowing their contacts to know where they are
and subsequently promoting this application.
Cómo Va? is an app created for the iOS
system that can be downloaded through the
AppStore, so clients have access to it in the
iPad tablet that establishments will provide, as
the idea is to make it flexible for both restaurants and retail stores. The main purpose of
this application is to allow the user to monitor
and control every aspect of their account so
none of the regular misunderstandings (products mistakenly charged to a client that didn’t
order them, for example) occur, thus provid-
Finally, this application gives bars and
ing a win-win situation for both the client and clubs a better control and monitoring system
the venue.
for their client’s accounts, while also providing
a more efficient menu and ordering system for
Additionally, this product uses the restaurants, reducing employee workload and
iCloud software to store and transmit data to allowing them to focus on other tasks so they
the system so no wrong charges are applied, learn other aspects of the job, such as manand so the user can print their respective re- agement and operations, providing free trainceipts.
ing for potential promotions in store for them
in the future.
Cómo Va? features only the necessary
sections, such as the “User” Section, where
Concept by UdeM Students at Invomex’s
the client can access their account, personal
Business Innovation Workshops
profile, and shopping history. Another one of