by Daniel Celada
ing a fun and intuitive dimension to the usually monotonous interaction that humans have
Zius Touch is an entry device for screens with electronic devices.
that works through a hand gesture movement
sensor. This innovative concept holds its
Created by a group of students in the
competitive advantage in that it transforms an Monterrey Institute of Technology’s Entreaverage (cost/functionality) screen into a mo- preneurial Contest (in which they won the
tion and/or touch-sensitive command screen Invomex Award, given to the most innovative
without much added expense in that state-of- and potentially profitable project), Zius Touch
the-art technology.
is offered in different sizes that adjust to regular television and computer sizes for the us
The purpose of this technology is to er’s enjoyment.
allow the user to control computer operative
systems, cable television systems and video
Concept by Zius Touch
game consoles, among other things; thus add-