IKC Annual Review 2016 1 | Page 4

Medical Technologies IKC | 4 Our success to date: 192 £111m £103m Total public research and innovation funding secured Private sector investment in technology development Total projects in our innovation portfolio 205 76 People have participated in our innovation development programmes 84 Collaborating partners Projects completed and progressing to market Our first year of phase 2: 130 15 15 £12m New projects initiated New public research and innovation funding Delegates at our first annual conference Projects completed and progressing to market Regenerative devices: a £1bn per year industry opportunity in the UK Scale of opportunity in the UK: Estimated global market size per year by 2020: $25bn + $50bn = $75bn Biomaterials and Regenerative tissues with implants, enhanced autologous cells to deliver regenerative potential Global market size £10m IKC / leveraged funds £50m per year R&D in private sector £1bn per year industry in UK Estimated scaffold products market sizes by 2020: £3bn £2bn Bone repair Ligament and tendon repair £2bn Meniscus £3bn Vascular grafts