Bess Krairat is a headstrong animator
who gets inspired by everything in the
world around him. “Everyone thinks
differently, and has their own story, this
can inspire me in many ways” His most
recent work is Fate. The concept behind
this short film was to find a metaphor
to what society is doing to its planet.
With bright colours and clean lines,
this animation represents a story that
takes you through different emotions
embedding a deep philosophical
“Most of us are like an innocent girl,
only knowing what goes on from what
general media tells us. We have no
power over the situation.” Social issues
are key to quality work according to
Bess. When you create something it
needs to be relevant.
“From the age of five
I watched the cartoon
Dragon Ball Z, I used to
draw all the characters. I
guess that’s where it all
“I’m actually never completely satisfied
with the work I make. I always try to
correct myself or start creating all over
again. I have a very critical view and
always try to push myself to new limits,
which eventually brought me to where
I am today.”
“By crossing new boundaries and being open to new lifestyles
you might end up in a new situation. These could lead to new
inspirational thoughts.”