Since its introduction in the early 2000’s, Trackman
has helped to revolutionize the world of golf coaching.
It is a Dopler Radar that uses similar technology used
by the Navy to track missiles. It collects 26 different
parameters relating to the club head, ball flight and
the ball. Some of the parameters include:
Ball Speed
Launch Angle
Axis Tilt
Club Head Speed
Carry Distance
Total Distance
Spin Rate
Dynamic Loft
Smash Factor (Quality of Strike)
to communicate with the player in a simple, easy
and logical manner. This should empower the player
to know:
What they need to change?
Why they need to change it?
How they need to change it?
Parameters vary depending on the type of player.
Optimum numbers for one player may not be the
same for another. For example, someone who has
a high swing speed with the driver may be look-
ing at having a spin rate between 1900-2200rpm.
Whereas someone with a slower swing speed
would require a higher spin rate between 2500-
One of the best aspects of TrackMan is that the
information is instantaneous and is based on the
information directly gathered from the clubhead
and the ball flight. TrackMan is also used for improving
skills sets such as distance and direction control.
Individualized performance tests are created within
the International Junior Golf Academy (IJGA) to
specifically target the areas of a players’ game that
require the most work. 2800rpm to give the ball more lift and keep it in
the air for longer. Knowing what numbers work
with each player requires an in-depth knowledge
of the player’s golf game, as well as a full com-
prehension of all the TrackMan numbers. At IJGA,
TrackMan is used in conjunction with other equip-
ment such as 3D Motion Capture, K -Vest and
Video Analysis to give a fully detailed analysis of
what exactly is happening within a players’ swing.
With all the data available, it is easy to become
engrossed in each parameter and striving for
improvement becomes addictive. However, there is
a skill to deciphering the data, the skill of the coach
is to look at ALL the numbers and decide which
specific parameters must be improved. With all of the
information gathered from TrackMan, the skill is then For junior golfers, a com bination of the latest tech-
nology such as TrackMan, with specifically designed
games, increases their enjoyment and therefore the
speed of their development. The use of technology
allows one of the worlds most difficult sports, to be
made just a little easier.