Silver Award for her dedication to community service.
She is always ready to volunteer and support any IJGA
community project.
Olvin Arce received this honor and is well liked by his peers,
teachers and IJGA staff. He earned a Silver Award from the
Hilton Head Island Mayor with 76.5 community hours.
Strength & Conditioning Student-Athlete of the Year
The Strength & Conditioning Award for overall best athlete
at IJGA have been selected based on attendance; work
ethic; effort; commitment; dedication.
One Kashima was consistent in the gym, has worked
harder than anyone else to improve her fitness and the
The Leadership Award is presented to the Captain who has
results are obvious.
been an outstanding example of leadership and mentorship
to his and her peers; someone of upstanding character and
who has clearly demonstrated their leadership abilities.
We don’t always get our goals and our dreams, but we
ALWAYS get our standards. The Captains who are being
recognized have been a tremendous positive influence and
support for the students at IJGA. The Leadership Award
was presented to Vasundhara Thiara and Navyug Rungta.
Emma Kim and Navyug Rungta have been consistent
in their demonstration of upstanding character and
Steven Strasheim was consistently a top performer in
the gym this year. He achieved over 50% of all the fitness
awards and performed well on the course as a result of his
efforts in the gym. His high-level of commitment has been
recognized as exceptional.