IJGA Newsletter: The Oaks January 2020 | Page 8

WHY IS DEEP BREATHING IMPORTANT? Although breathing is something that keeps you alive, there are also many benefits to breathing properly that many people do not know. Further, there are ways to breathe that are more efficient for the body and mind. This article will cover a few reasons why deep breathing is so important, and also a few ways that can help you establish a good, effective breathing routine. Benefits of Deep Breathing (Correlational): • • • • • • • • • • Lowers Heart Rate Lowers/Stabilizes Blood Pressure Reduces Stress Minimizes Sympathetic Nervous System Use Lowers Negative Affect Strengthens Diaphragm Increases Parasympathetic Nervous System Use Increases Oxygen Consumption Increases Relaxation Improves Present-Moment Focus Studies have found the relation between deep breathing and these benefits, giving a great amount of research on the importance of deep (or diaphragmatic) breathing. Here is an explanation of how to actually breathe using your diaphragm: 8 1. Lying down on your back is one of the easiest ways to learn this. 2. Place 1 hand on your belly and 1 hand on your chest. 3. As you inhale through your nose, feel your bottom hand going towards the ceiling. Your top hand (chest) should remain still. If this is difficult for you to feel, continue to work on the feeling of your ribs going away from each other. 4. Hold that breath for 2-3 seconds. 5. As you exhale (preferably through your nose), slowly breathe out to bring your stomach back down towards your spine. In order to start the relaxation response, the exhale should be longer than the inhale (this is why I prefer exhalation through the nose). 6. Continue this form of breathing for 3-5 minutes to begin to lower your heart rate. 7. Once you learn to do this lying down, transition the intensity by sitting up, then standing, then walking, then running. 8. Here is a good breathing ratio to start with, the numbers counting as seconds: a. 2 (inhale)-4 (pause)-4 (exhale), 3-6-6, 4-8-8, 5-10-10 b. Increase the number of seconds as you become better over time. This short article on breathing is a great start for you to implement breathing practices into your life! An amazing app to use for conscious breathing practice (that I personally use on a daily basis) is called “State: Breathing”. This is an intuitive and simple way to improve your diaphragmatic breathing overtime.