efforts made to have students look at how
their first semester went, what successes
did they have, and where could there be
improvement? Understanding self and being
On Monday, Martin Luther King Day, while
students were out of school, IJGA started the
Spring Semester with a continuation from the
Fall Kick-Off Session.
The second part of the afternoon was spent
with Nick McMillen, Mental Performance
Coach and Gary Wise, Mental Performance
Coach/Golf Coach. We reviewed our
DISC conversations from Fall, identified
some inherent behaviors, and brought the
conversation back to “What you learned
about yourself in August, how did it play
out over the Fall semester?” Self-awareness,
Bishops Gate
On Monday, Martin Luther King Day, while
students were out of school, IJGA started the
Spring Semester with a continuation from the
Fall Kick-Off Session.
This meeting was titled “Self-Awareness
Workshop” and was an opportunity for
students to begin this semester by checking
in with themselves regarding their goals from
last semester and what their plan is for this
We began with Brad Turner, Director of Golf
Operations, giving a general overview of
what the afternoon would cover. He began
by asking the students to reflect on three
questions. 1. Where were you? As stated
in your goals and aspirations in August
2019. 2. Where are you today? Relative to
your goals and aspirations. 3. Where are
you going? For this semester and into the
next school year. Topics segwayed into
Outcomes, continued striving for Goals, what
is a Student’s personal motivation, what
are Social Influences Students are affected
by and what is the Learning Environment
that Students surround themselves with. All
control, behavior, strengths and weaknesses,
accountability and response were all
The final part of the day was spent with
Melissa Spek, College Guidance Manager.
Following up from Brad, Nick and Gary.
student/athletes were challenged to protect
their personal ‘brand’, be aware of their
actions and how those can be perceived by
college coaches. Students were tasked with a
‘getting to know yourself’ sheet with a myriad
of questions gathered from college recruiting
questionnaires, and learned what information
they will need to gather in order to be able
to complete college questionnaires. Students
had been seated within their Class of