the following IJGA students for their efforts and organizing
the collection; Tristin Gallant, James Doxey, Shuya Hagiwara,
Kazuki Yamauchi, Pamas Abhiteachapan and Vee Thiara.
Leaving a Legacy - Clearing Trails at OC
It’s about leaving a legacy that drives students to clear
trails on a Saturday at IJGA’s Old Carolina campus, making
the grounds cleaner and more visually appealing for
students and the Old Carolina community to enjoy. The
ongoing service project enables students to give back
while improving their surroundings and making the campus
a better place to live. The Trails project is part of the
Character Development program overseen by IJGA Director
of Mental Performance Skylar Jewell. Video created by IJGA
student-athlete Vasundhara Thiara.
Getting Tricky!
In part two of a three part Mental Performance series,
the IJGA students explored Imagery and Creativity by
being tasked to create a trick shot. Here is what Director
of Mental Performance, Skylar Jewell had to say, “While
trick shots are fun, doing them with purpose allows you to
exercise creativity and problem solving. Similar to being on
the course, finding
ways to creatively
get the ball into the
hole, on demand,
is a necessity to
reach the next level.
We provided the
students with a
creative problem
to solve and they
did so. Solving
problems with
creative solutions
extends even
beyond golf and at
that we are subtly
preparing students
for wherever their
passions may lead.”
Keep checking in for
more information
for your game and
reach out for more information on how to bring creative
thinking into your process. Contact IJGA Director of Mental
Performance Skylar Jewell, [email protected]
Heritage Academy’s Community Service Project
A shout out to Heritage Academy students and staff for
their latest community service endeavor, collecting personal
hygiene kits and delivering them to The Deep Well Project
on Hilton Head Island to share with their clients. Congrats to