IJGA Lifestyle Program 2019 | Page 6

Our unique approach to education means exceptional teaching and support. ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Heritage Academy The IJGA Lifestyle Program students attend Heritage Academy, a college preparatory school on Hilton Head Island comprised of students from 27 countries and 28 states. With 25 years of results, including a well-rounded Advanced Placement (AP) curriculum, Heritage Academy prepares their graduates for college and for life. Heritage Academy is a small caring community of diverse, highly-trained professionals working with students who seek to develop a passion in life creates the ideal learning environment. Young people have curious minds, tremendous energy, innate talent and incredible spirit all waiting to be awakened and nurtured. Heritage Academy respects research suggesting that students can reach full potential in analytical thinking, creative expression, and civic responsibility only when the walls of the traditional classroom are extended beyond the school facility. Whether in the classroom or pursuing extracurricular passions, our students are actively engaged in learning as accomplished scholars, artists and athletes. Although the teachers at Heritage Academy make themselves available for before and after school tutoring, the on-campus IJGA Learning Center offers additional student study resources in the afternoon, evening and over the weekend. The Heritage Academy experience balances breadth of exposure and in-depth pursuit of students’ strongest interests.