IJARIIT Volume2 | Page 2

International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology LOAD BALANCING AND PROVIDING SECURITY USING RSA IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS Megha I Mathapati, Mr. ShrikantSalotagi S.I.E.T, Karnataka Abstract: This paper presents load balancing and provides security using RSA algorithm. This is brief introduction to handle the traffic on node. This represents the converge-casting protocol in wireless sensor networks. The protocol is localized and distributed, and adapts efficiently to very traffic. Graphs are analyzed using NS-2 simulator, here end-to-end packet latency, packet delivery ratio, throughput are analyzed. This is done for 30 nodes in NS-2 simulation Read more at: https://www.ijariit.com/manuscript/load-balancing-providing-security-using-rsawireless-sensor-networks/?rf=editionv2i2 Economic Load Dispach Using Genetic Algorithm BhushanMakwane, Prof. S.R. Gawande K.D.K.C.E Abstract: This paper present the application of Genetic Algorithm (GA) to Economic Load Dispatch problem of the power system. Economic Load Dispatch is one of the major optimization problems dealing with the modern power systems. ELD determines the electrical power to be generated by the committed generating units in a power system so that the total generation cost of the system is minimized, while satisfactory the load demand. The objective is to minimize the total generation fuel cost and maintain the power flow within safety limits. The introduced algorithm has been demonstrated for the given test systems considering the transmission line losses. Read more at: https://www.ijariit.com/manuscript/economic-load-dispach-using-geneticalgorithm/?rf=editionv2i2 2