IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 61

Rulebook 102_127.qxp 9/29/2010 3:08 PM Page 13 ELBOWING - RULE 526 HOLDING - RULE 531 Tapping either elbow with the opposite hand. Grasping either wrist with the other hand in front of the chest. PUCK IN THE NET - RULE 470 An extension of the arm pointing at the goal to indicate the puck has entered the net HAND PASS - RULE 490 HOLDING 532 THE STICK - RULE Two stage signal involving the holding signal followed by an indication you are holding onto a stick with two hands in a normal manner. HOOKING - RULE 533 Use open palm of hand in a pushing motion. A tugging motion with both arms as if pulling something from in front toward the stomach. HIGH STICKING - RULE 530 INTERFERENCE - RULE 534 Crossed arms with closed fists stationary in front of the chest. Holding both fists clenched, one immediately above the other at the height of the forehead. 120 121