IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 41

538 - SPEARING a) A player who attempts to spear an opponent shall be assessed a: A 1. “Attempt to spear” shall include all cases when a spearing gesture is made but no contact is made. 2. “Spearing” is the action of stabbing an opponent with the point of the stick blade, whether or not the stick is being carried with one or both hands. SPEARING SIGNAL RULE 538 Double Minor penalty + Misconduct penalty Major penalty + Automatic Game Misconduct penalty or Match penalty (5’+GM) (MP) c) A player who injures an opponent by spearing shall be assessed a: Match penalty If, in the opinion of the Referee, a player who uses his stick in such a manner that he shall knock or hook away the puck away from an opponent first and while doing so the momentum of his stick causes his opponent to trip or fall, no penalty shall be assessed as the puck was played initially and not the puck carrying opponent (2’+2’+10’) b) A player who spears an opponent shall be assessed at the discretion of the Referee, a: (MP) 539 - TRIPPING a) A player who shall place his stick, leg, foot, arm, hand or elbow in such a manner that it shall cause his opponent to trip or fall shall be assessed, at the discretion of the Referee, a: Minor penalty or Major penalty + Automatic Game Misconduct penalty or Match penalty (2’) (5’+GM) (MP) b) A player who injures an opponent by tripping shall be assessed at the discretion of the Referee a: TRIPPING SIGNAL RULE 539 TRIPPING 1. A “Breakaway” shall be defined as a situation where a player is in full control of the puck and has no opposing player between himself and the opposing goalkeeper or goal, if the goalkeeper has