IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 30

502 - BENCH MINOR PENALTY 1. The designated player shall take his place on the penalty bench promptly and serve the penalty, as it was a Minor penalty imposed to him. S 2. “Short Handed” means that, due to a penalty(s), the team shall be below the numerical strength of its opponents on the ice at the time the goal is scored. 3. This rule does not apply when a goal is scored on a Penalty Shot. When a player is assessed a Major and a Minor penalty at the same team, the Major penalty shall be served first. This applies when both penalties are imposed on the same player (see Rule 513). a) For a Bench Minor penalty, any player who was on the ice at the time of the infraction, NEW other than the goalkeeper of the penalized team, designated by the Manager or the Coach through the Captain, shall be ruled off the ice for two minutes and no substitution shall be permitted. S b) If, while a team is “Short Handed” because of one or more Minor or Bench Minor penalties, the opposing team scores a goal, the first of such penalties shall automatically terminate, unless such penalty was assessed at the same time as an opposing player's penalty which originally caused both teams to play one player short, in which case the next minor or bench minor penalty assessed to the scored upon team shall terminate. 503 - MAJOR PENALTy When a player is assessed a Minor or Major penalty and a Misconduct penalty at the same time, the penalized team shall immediately put a substitute player on the penalty bench to serve the Minor or Major penalty with out change. o For a Major penalty, any player, including the goalkeeper, shall be ruled off the ice for the balance of the game (Game Misconduct penalty) and substitution shall be permitted after five minutes. 504 - MISCONDUCT PENALTY a) For his first Misconduct penalty, any player, other than the goalkeeper, shall be ruled off the ice for ten minutes and immediate substitution shall be permitted. The player whose Misconduct penalty has expired shall stay on the penalty bench until the next stoppage of play. 1. A Game Misconduct penalty does not incur automatic suspension, except for that game, but the Proper Authorities shall have the power to suspend the player or the team official from participating in further games. 2. In championships and tournament games, any player or team official assessed his second Game Misconduct Penalty shall be automatically suspended for his team's next championship or tournament games. b) For his second Misconduct penalty any player, including the goalkeeper, shall automatically be ruled off the ice for the balance of the game (Game Misconduct penalty) and immediate substitution shall be permitted. 505 - GAME MISCONDUCT PENALTY For a Game Misconduct penalty, any player, including the goalkeeper or team official, shall be ruled off the ice and ordered to the dressing room for the balance of the game and immediate substitution for the player or the goalkeeper shall be permitted. 1. The player shall be ordered to the dressing room and a substitute player shall be permitted to replace him after five minutes playing time has elapsed. 507 - MATCH PENALTY 2. A player or team official incurring a Match penalty shall be awarded an automatic further suspension, which means that he shall be suspended for the next game as a minimum, and his case shall be dealt with by the Proper Authorities. 58 For a Match penalty, any player, goalkeeper or team official shall be ruled off the ice and NEW ordered to the dressing room for the balance of th H