IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 26

Rulebook 10_51.qxp 9/29/2010 2:56 PM Page 43 6. If an attacking player initiates contact with the goalkeeper, incidental or otherwise, while the goalkeeper is in his goal crease and a goal is scored. 7. If an attacking player initiates any contact with the goalkeeper, other than incidental contact, while goalkeeper is outside his goal crease and a goal is scored. 8. Where an attacking player enters or takes a position within the goal crease, so as to obstruct the goalkeeper's vision and impair his ability to defend his goal net and a goal is scored. 9. Where a goalkeeper has been pushed into the goal net together with the puck after making a stop. If applicable, appropriate penalties shall be assessed. b) Where the puck is under the player who is in or around the goal crease (deliberately or otherwise), a goal cannot be scored by pushing this player together with the puck into the goal net. If applicable, the appropriate penalties shall be assessed, including the Penalty Shot (See Rule 557). 1. Only one point shall be awarded to any one player on a goal. 2. Two assists may be awarded when a player scores after a rebound off of the goalkeeper. 3. In the case of an obvious error in awarding a goal or assist, the error shall be corrected promptly, but changes shall not be made once the Referee has signed the Official Game Sheet. 472 - GOAL ASSIST AWARDED AND TO THE PLAYER G a) A “Goal” shall be credited in the scoring records to the player who propelled the puck into the opponent’s net. b) Each goal shall count one point in the player’s statistical record. A c) When a goal has been scored, an “Assist” shall be credited to the player(s) taking part in the play immediately preceeding the action. d) No more than two assists can be given on any goal. e) Each assist shall accoun