Rulebook 10_51.qxp
2:56 PM
Page 35
a) A face-off shall be conducted at the beginning of each period and after any stoppage NEW
of play.
b) All face-offs will only be conducted at the nine designated face-offs spots
c) Face-offs shall be conducted at the center ice spot:
1. At the start of a period,
2. After a goal scored,
3. After an error by an official on Icing,
4. For premature substitution of a goalkeeper unless otherwise expressly provided by
these rules (See Rule 411e)
d) When a stoppage of play has been caused by any player of the attacking side in the
attacking zone, the ensuing face-off shall be made in the neutral zone on the nearest
face-off spot. If two rule violations are the reason for the stoppage of play (ie. high-sticking the puck and intentional off-side), the ensuing face-off location shall be determined
as the spot that provides the least amount of territorial advantage to the offending team.
e) When the play is stopped for any reason not specifically attributable to either team while
the puck is in the neutral zone, the ensuing face-off shall be conducted at the nearest
face-off spot outside the blue line whenever possible. When it is unclear as to which
of the four face-off spots is the nearest, the spot that gives the home team the greatest territorial advantage in the neutral zone will be selected for the ensuing face-off.
f) When an infringement of a rule has been committed by players of both sides in the play resulting in the stoppage, the ensuing face-off will be made at the nearest face-off spot in that zone
g) When players are penalized at a stoppage of play so as to result in penalties being
placed on the penalty time clock to one team, the ensuing face-off shall be conducted
at one of the two end zone face-off spots in the offending team's end zone. There are
only four exceptions to this application:
1. When a penalty is assessed after the scoring of a goal - face-off at Centre Ice
2. When a penalty is assessed at the end (or start) of a period - face-off at Centre Ice
3. When the defending team is about to be penalized and the attacking players enter
the attacking zone beyond the outer edge of the end zone face-off circles - face-off
in the Neutral Zone
4. When the team not being penalized ices the puck, the face-off in the neutral Zone
outside the blue line of the team icing the puck
h) When stoppage occurs between the end face-off spots and near end of the rink, the
puck shall be faced-off at the end face-off spot on the side where the stoppage occurs
unless otherwise expressly provided by these rules.
i) When a goal is illegally scored as a result of a puck being deflected directly off an official anywhere in the defending zone, the resulting face-off shall be made at the end
face-off spot in the defending zone.
j) When the game is stopped for any reason not specifically covered in the official rules, the
puck must be faced-off at a face-off spot in the zone nearest to where it was last played.
k) Following a stoppage of play, should one or both defensemen who are the point players or any player coming from the bench of the attacking team, enter into the attack-