IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 11

Rulebook 10_51.qxp 9/29/2010 2:54 PM Page 13 SECTION 2 - TEAMS, PLAYERS AND EQUIPMENT 1. No changes or additions shall be permitted to the list once the game has started. 2. If, during the game, a team cannot place the correct number of players on the ice because of penalties or injuries, the Referee shall declare the game a forfeit and: Report to the Proper Authorities. 1. It is not permitted to appoint a goalkeeper, Playing Coach or Manager as a Captain or Alternate Captain. 2. If a Captain or Alternate Captain is not on the ice, they cannot come off the bench to discuss any situation with the Referee, unless invited by the Referee. If the captain does come off the player's bench uninvited, he shall be sent back and the coach warned that a second violation shall result in a Misconduct penalty (see Rule 572) 3. If both the Captain and Alternate Captain are on the ice, only the Captain has the privilege of conversing with the Referee. 4. Players that do not wear a "C" or "A" on their jersey shall not be granted the privileges of conversing with the Referee. 200 - PLAYERS IN UNIFORM a) Before the game, the Manager or Coach of each team shall provide the Referee or Scorekeeper with a list of names and numbers of eligible players and goalkeepers, including the names of the Captain and Alternate Captains. b) Each team shall be allowed a maximum of: - 20 players, and - 2 goalkeepers, - for a total of 22. 201 - CAPTAIN OF TEAM a) Each team shall appoint a “Captain” and no more than two “Alternate Captains”. b) The Captain shall wear the letter "C" and Alternate Captains shall wear the letter "A", 8 cm in height and in a contrasting colour, in a conspicuous position on the front of their sweater. c) On the ice, only these designated players, if they are not penalized, shall have the privilege to discuss with the Referee any questions relating to the interpretation of rules that may arise during the course of the game. d) A complaint concerning a penalty is NOT a matter relating to the interpretation of the rules and shall be penalized with a Misconduct penalty (see Rule 572) 210 - EQUIPMENT 1. The official playing rules specify the use of protective equipment out of concern for the orderly playing of the game, and for the safety, health and welfare of participants. However, such rules do not imply a guarantee by the IIHF that the use of such equipment will provide protection from injury. It is the responsibility of the player to ensure that the equipment used conforms, where specified, with the official playing rules and is worn and maintained in good condition in accordance with the manufacture's warranties. 2. For advertising and/or brand identification on the player's equipment, see Annex 1. a) Players and goalkeeper's equipment shall consist of sticks, skates, protective equipment and uniforms. b) All protective equipment, except gloves, helmets and goalkeepers leg guards, must be worn entirely underneath the uniform. c) All infractions related to the wearing of equipment shall be penalized under Rule 555. d) Complete equipment including jerseys must be worn during the pre-game warm-up. NEW 220 - PLAYER’S EQUIPMENT 221- PLAYER’S SKATES The players shall wear “Ice Hockey Skates” with safety blades. 222 - PLAYER’S STICK PLAYER SKATE 20 a) Sticks shall be made of wood or other material approved by the IIHF. b) It shall not have any projections and all edges shall be bevelled. c) The top end of a hollow shaft stick must