IIC Journal of Innovation 9th Edition | Page 78

IoT Trustworthiness is a Journey and NOT a Project Information Governance (IG) is also a cross-functional function. It addresses the need to manage corporate information in a manner that balances between the legal and compliant use of information, security, operational transparency and reduced legal costs. When IG emerged a decade ago, it faced similar challenges regarding its leadership. Gartner started calling for the creation of a new C-level title in the organization to own this function. One of these publications is G00254671, the “Business Case for the Chief Data Officer (CDO).” 26 In a 2015 survey of 3000 executives, Forrester Research reported that 45% of respondents stated that their organizations had CDOs 27 . Figure 9 provides suggestions about the responsibilities, profile, reporting structure and budget sources for the IoT Trustworthiness leadership role: Figure 9: Who will be the IoT Trustworthiness Tsar? Whether the IoT Trustworthiness leadership role will be assigned to an existing senior executive in the organization or a totally new title will be created for that function will depend on the vertical domain, the use case and the prominence of the IoT-focused business activities within the Digital Transformation strategy. Steering Committee for the Stakeholders A functional and effective Steering Committee is another element of the IoT Trustworthiness Program and is key to its governance and success. The members of this committee must have representation from the communities that correspond to the five characteristics of trustworthiness, security, safety, reliability, resilience and privacy. 26 27 www.gartner.com/doc/2876417/business-case-chief-data-officer www.forrester.com/report/Top+Performers+Appoint+Chief+Data+Officers/-/E-RES123064 September 2018 - 73 -