IIC Journal of Innovation 9th Edition | Page 49

Assuring Trustworthiness via Structured Assurance Cases requirements of the trustworthiness 4,5,6 , and how can the fulfillment of those requirements be captured and conveyed to others and then combined into systems, components and value-chains. I NTRODUCTION This paper proposes key elements of a process for supporting an open global marketplace of trustworthy Industrial IoT (IIoT) Systems. We offer that in such a marketplace, creating, exchanging and integrating components that are trustworthy as well as entering into value- chain relationships with trustworthy partners and service suppliers will become common if we can provide a method for explicitly defining what is meant by the word “trustworthy.” The approach in this paper leverages Structured Assurance Cases 1,2,3 to explicitly identify the detailed requirements “about what is needed to know about something for it to be worthy of trust based on the risk associated” and to do that in a methodology that is scalable to differing sets of hazards and environments; and is applicable to most sectors, domains, and industries. S OFTWARE -E NABLED C ONNECTED M ICROELECTRONICS With the advent of the internet of things and the continued progression of micro technology and software-enabled connected microelectronics (SECM), addressing the security assurance of the individual components of a system is becoming more and more prevalent. In 1976, for example, there was no software in a Chevy Vega because there were no microelectronics. However, over the subsequent years many of the critical functions of the car moved from physical connections to software and networked Organizations Will Require a Mechanism to Measure Trust in Their Supply Chain Questions about trustworthiness that need to be addressed are, what does it mean to those involved, how can they measure and specify the different aspects and 1 ISO/IEC 15026-2 Assurance Case, 2011, https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso-iec:15026:-2:ed-1:v1:en 2 Open Group Dependability Through Assuredness (O-DA), 22 Jul 2013, https://publications.opengroup.org/c13f 3 OMG’s Structured Assurance Case Metamodel 2.0 (SACM 2.0), March 2018, https://www.omg.org/spec/SACM 4 Industrial Internet Consortium, "Industrial Internet of Things Volume G4: Security Framework,” IIC:PUB:G4:V1.0:PB:20160926, (2016), https://www.iiconsortium.org/IISF.htm. 5 Industrial Internet Consortium, "Industrial Internet of Things Volume G8: Vocabulary,” IIC:PUB:G8:V2.0:PB:20170719, (2017), https://www.iiconsortium.org/vocab/. 6 NIST Interagency Report 7755 Toward a Preliminary Framework for Assessing the Trustworthiness of Software https://www.nist.gov/publications/toward-preliminary-framework-assessing-trustworthiness-software - 45 - IIC Journal of Innovation