IIC Journal of Innovation 9th Edition | Page 40

Trustworthiness Model Representation Figure 5: Computation of a System Trust Score with Security and Safety Attributes The Trust Score model is designed to provide visibility into the factors affecting overall system trust. Representing trust as a hierarchical combination of component trust helps the user to determine all factors affecting a system’s Trust Score. When a system Trust Score is low, the user can drill down into a specific (child) component with a low score and identify the root cause. As an example, the overall system Trust Score could be a weighted combination of two high level attributes, system security and system safety. The user can observe each attribute Trust Score and identify if the overall system trust is low due to safety or security issues (or both). The user can further drill down the graph to identify each factor affecting the safety or security attributes. The following figure illustrates how the trust model can facilitate the identification of the cause of a low Trust Score. M ODEL A PPLICATION The Trust Model provides a quantifiable method, which when associated with the business data, measures the effectiveness of the business models and therefore the business outcomes. While the model itself can be used to evaluate the trustworthiness of various system characteristics, in its application, we are focused on measuring the trust in the delivery of data from the data source to its destination. Calculation of the trustworthiness of the data requires that we have to measure all points - systems or devices generating the data, the network transporting the data, the communication links, the process of collecting the data, and the people associated in any or all of these points. The focus of this paper is to apply the Figure 5: Computation of a System Trust Score with Security and Safety Attributes September 2018 - 36 -