IIC Journal of Innovation 9th Edition | Page 21

Trustworthiness in Industrial System Design  to one or more of the trustworthiness characteristics and the addition of a new name. C LASSIFICATION OF T RUSTWORTHINESS M ETHODS  Beyond the assignment to one or more trustworthiness characteristics, Trustworthiness Methods can be classified in other directions: Definition: A Trustworthiness Method can be essential or supportive. The essential attribute means that dropping of this Trustworthiness Method leads to a loss of the assigned trustworthiness characteristic in the specific context. In contrast, a supportive Trustworthiness Method increases the trustworthiness of one or more of the other essential methods in the same context. Another classification for Trustworthiness Methods is the location in the system status. The meaning of system status in the context of trustworthiness is explained in the next section. A Trustworthiness Method is originally designed for one specific status but can also be useful in other status locations. Removing or modifying a Trustworthiness Method for one status could lead to unexpected consequences for another status if this relationship is not defined, which leads to another classification: Examples:   A fire alarm sensor is an essential Trustworthiness Safety Method. Disabling it would go against any fire alarm legal requirements and industrial regulations. A video surveillance system with automatic picture evaluation could also detect open fires and send an additional alarm, which makes this system supportive. But the usage does not follow official requirements and it is not guaranteed to work in all conditions of a fire. That is why it is not essential. Shutting off this surveillance system would essentially drop the physical security of the system but not the fire safety system. The network firewall in an internet/LAN router is essential for security. Disabling this firewall would lead to instant loss of security in the context of internet access protection. A VPN system in an internet/LAN router is essential for security in the context of communication across the internet. But it is also supportive for the internet access protection because any non-VPN access by authorized remote access clients can be dropped, requiring that hackers have difficulty in obtaining VPN access. But a temporary disabling of the VPN access would not result in a loss of security in the internet access protection context. Definition: A Trustworthiness Method is primary for a specific system status if it is originally designed for this location. A Trustworthiness Method is secondary for a specific system status if it useful for this status but primary for another system status. - 17 - IIC Journal of Innovation