IIC Journal of Innovation 9th Edition | Page 128

The Resilience Model Supporting IIoT System Trustworthiness Y = U ( D y , X ) ( 3 ) Thus by substitution of the ( 2 ) in ( 3 ) we gain : Y = U ( D y , X ) = U ( F ( D x , D SIoT ), X ) ( 4 ) Requirements
Let ’ s now define the requirements to the system behavior from the IT perspective that allow this behavior to remain resilient . That means keeping the Process Output relevant to its IT representation event under adverse conditions . That also means facilitating security and privacy and keeping the appropriate physical process safe and reliable even under the impact of the human factor .
We define the requirements Z = { z i | i ∈ 1 … l } as conditions set for the accountable data in one of the following forms : threshold , equality , optimization . The form of the system requirements is
{⟨ y i ≥ a i | y i = b i | y i → min ⟩}
Conditions that are more complex do not change the reasoning .
Among the system requirements , we highlight the essential requirements that comprise a subset of all requirements and generally determine the conditions that must be kept invariant in any system state .
∃r ≤ l : Z ∗ = { z i }| i ∈ 1 … r } – essential output requirements ;
To consider the system ’ s dynamic behavior , we introduce the time t represented by one of the environment variables .
Definition 1 . System requirements . The IIoT system meets the requirements for any system state and all conditions determining these requirements are satisfied . The appropriate predicate P depending on the system output is true if the system meets all requirements .
P ( Y ( t ), Z ) = TRUE ↔ ∀t ∀i ( y i , z i ) = TRUE ( 5 )
Let ’ s define the Resilience aspect on the basis of the proposed model .
The Formal Definition of the Resilience Aspect
The basic idea behind the resilience aspect is that the system meets the established requirements in any state . In other words , we assume that the predicate P remains true even under adverse conditions .
Definition 2 . Resilience . The system is considered resilient if in any system state the predicate P is true .
Let ’ s make a substitution in ( 5 ) using ( 4 ) to elaborate on the connection of the Process Output and Process Input in the context of Resilience .
P ( Y ( t ), Z ) = P ( U ( F ( D x , D SIoT , t ), X ), Z )
P ( Y ( t ), Z ) = P ( U ( F < ST , C , R > ( D x , D SIoT )( t ), X ), Z ) ( 6 )
Formal Consideration of Resilience Goals
Using this detailed expression , we now consider the Resilience goals defined in Draft NIST Special Publication 800-160 VOLUME 2 : anticipate , withstand , recover and adapt .
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