IIC Journal of Innovation 9th Edition | Page 106

Extending the IIC IoT Security Maturity Model to Trustworthiness W HAT IS THE IIC I O T S ECURITY M ATURITY M ODEL ? O VERVIEW Business investment requires decisions that include tradeoffs based on delivering functionality, addressing risks, ensuring business continuity, managing costs and reputation. Addressing risks appropriately by investing in controls and organizational changes when faced with a sea of choices and possibilities can be difficult, especially when considering all the aspects of trustworthiness including safety, security, reliability, resilience and privacy. The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) has developed an IoT Security Maturity Model 1 that provides an approach to address risk. This approach initially covers only security issues. This article suggests how this model can be extended and used to consider all the aspects of trustworthiness, enabling organizations to assess their current position with regard to trustworthiness aspects of safety, security, reliability, resilience and privacy against where they need to be, and make appropriate investments taking into account tradeoffs and required investments. Security maturity is the degree of confidence that the current security state meets all organizational needs and security-related requirements. Security maturity level is a measure of the understanding of the current security level, its necessity, benefits and cost of its support. Deciding where to focus limited security resources is a challenge for most organizations given the complexity of a constantly changing security landscape. The IoT Security Maturity Model provides a path for Internet of Things (IoT) providers to know where they need to be and how to invest in security mechanisms that meet their requirements without over-investing. The IoT Security Maturity Model provides a conceptual framework to help organizations consider the myriad of options and make an informed decision to select and implement appropriate security controls. The framework helps an organization decide what their security maturity target state should be and what their current state is. Repeatedly comparing the target and current states identifies where further improvement can be made. The intent of this article is to raise awareness of the approach, encourage discussion and suggest next steps to raise the bar of trustworthiness in applications by enabling the use of the IoT Security Maturity Model for trustworthiness. The IoT Security Maturity Model allows organizations to determine the priorities that drive security enhancements and the maturity required to achieve differing needs and different strengths of protection mechanisms. Purpose & Benefits To drive proper investment and avoid simply applying technologies to a problem, the IoT 1 IoT Security Maturity Model: Description an Intended Use, IIC:PUB:IN15:V1.0:PB:20180409IoT, http://www.iiconsortium.org/pdf/SMMSecurity Maturity Model_Description_and_Intended_Use_2018-04-09.pdf September 2018 - 101 -