IIC Journal of Innovation 9th Edition | Page 54

Assuring Trustworthiness via Structured Assurance Cases The examples outlined so far in this paper focused on automobiles, but the trends and market forces that motivated and enabled those changes are equally applicable to other industries, such as commercial transportation in general, healthcare systems, critical infrastructure, retail systems, and building security and automation. process implications that can affect systems (reliability and productivity), and the overall impact of newer technology to the intended use of products and systems. As many have pointed out over the past few years 4, 10, 11 , we must evolve from just an IT risk world view, where we're worried about the loss of information or loss of a service, to an operational risk view, where we consider loss of safety (the expanded concept of safety) and reliability or loss of life and property. Within the IIC work 4 , as shown in Figure 9, we have put this together under the rubric of trustworthiness, where the safety, privacy, resilience, reliability and security behaviors of a system, while not always the same in proportion, are all interacting. P ERVASIVE SECM’ S R ISKS AND F AILURE I MPACTS With the pervasive presence of software- enabled capabilities attackers can now focus on cyber physical assets via their cyber elements, as illustrated in Figure 8. Safety now involves risks associated with connectivity based on the innovation occurring around IoT. The traditional safety elements expand beyond fire, electri