IIC Journal of Innovation 8th Edition | Page 44

There Are New Markets for Industrial IoT Data visibility into the provenance of everything from agricultural foods to diamond necklaces. And, full visibility into supply- chain transactions will unleash new industry dynamics as competitors analyze ledger histories for market-intelligence insights 6 . acquisitions, joint-ventures or data sharing initiatives. Data-sharing Business Dilemmas Jeff Travers is the Head of IoT for Ericsson, the global telecommunications equipment supplier. He describes the data dilemma for a mining company. It is frustrated because the company supplying its trucks, as connected vehicles, is failing to share a rich stream of data it is gleaning about their usage. There is considerable promise from exposing proprietary, operational data if organizations can find ways to control access and capitalize on potential opportunities. The business choice to share data is not straightforward and will pose significant dilemmas for many firms in the coming years. Should it be obliged to share that data? “That’s the question,” Travers responds. He points out that “both sides need to understand the business has changed – if you don’t go into this with open eyes, then you get this skewed situation where the truck maker has deep insight and the mining company doesn’t.” Nevertheless, there are examples of its benefits. In 2000, Goldcorp, Inc., a Canadian gold producer, gave worldwide access to all geological data for its mining properties for a prize of $575,000. More than 1,000 prospectors studied that data to identify promising sites. Eighty percent of these sites yielded significant gold reserves, exceeding $6 billion in value 7 . Enterprise IoT Insights interview, https://enterpriseiotinsights.com/20180413/channels/new s/business-has-changed-for-both-sides-ericsson-tag40 John Deere, the agricultural and construction equipment manufacturer, offers a slightly different example of innovation. Its application of IIoT technologies illustrates the opportunity for manufacturers to add services to their portfolio of offerings with IIoT data. One element of John Deere’s precision agriculture strategy involves connectivity in If we fast-forward about 20 years, the current challenge is arguably about handling time-series data for the purposes of pattern recognition and predictive applications. Much of this expertise exists outside of large industrial firms so these organizations will need to find ways to collaborate via 6 Blockchain and the Mobile Industry – http://www.more-with-mobile.com/2018/03/blockchain-and-mobile-industry.html 7 Open Innovation: Goldcorp Challenge - https://www.ideaconnection.com/open-innovation-success/Open-Innovation- Goldcorp-Challenge-00031.html IIC Journal of Innovation - 43 -