IIC Journal of Innovation 8th Edition | Page 25

The Path from Data to Actionable Information as a Driver for the Industrial Ecosystem These core concepts are crucial to making the foundational IIoT technologies and architectures deliver on the promises and provide the fabric that will enable the new economies and business models. Never begin an IIoT project with technology, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), as the driver: Start with a business objective and then determine the technology and data requirements that achieve measurable results and advance one’s strategic goals. To illustrate the ideas, we will evaluate some discrete manufacturing use cases showing how one can deliver rapid business value integrating open standards from multiple industrial systems to create rich semantic context. O VERVIEW The foundation of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is the notion that abundant data will be the driver of new products and economies by providing objective realities from the production and use of industrial equipment and systems. There are several misconceptions about the nature of data and analytics and how to approach these problems to achieve actionable and measurable results. An example is the use of raw data and deep learning to create actionable insights. This has led to a great deal of disillusionment in the industry when implementing an IIoT strategy. There is a general lack of understanding about how to characterize data and information and what is meant by semantics. The ultimate goal of any IIoT strategy is to provide business value. So in this article, we will look at the requirements from the perspective of the manufacturing business and ecosystem to understand the criteria that lead to actionable information and interoperability between industrial systems. We will provide an analysis of relevant industrial standards such as OPC/UA 1 , STEP 2 , EtherCat 3 , SysML 4 , and MTConnect 5 and differentiate between the syntactic and semantic standards in greater detail. 1 https://opcfoundation.org/ 2 https://www.iso.org/organization/9295.html 3 https://www.ethercat.org/default.htm 4 http://www.omgsysml.org/ 5 http://www.mtconnect.org/ T HE P ATH FROM R AW D ATA TO W ISDOM The first step is to understand the high-level taxonomy and the types of data that will be required to create actionable insights. When referring to data in the context of IIoT, one is usually referring to streaming data from sensors or control systems that are representing some characteristics about the real world. When one moves beyond IIoT sensor data, many other critical information models provide context and intent and are often overlooked. - 24 - June 2018