IIC Journal of Innovation 7th Edition | Page 85

Huawei & InterDigital Demonstrate Open-Standard, IoT-Platform Interoperability While there are many standards for connectivity and proximity networks in specific verticals, oneM2M is the key standard that addresses new challenges in the emerging IIoT market. Example issues include cross-domain and hybrid-cloud communications as well as vendor-neutral solutions for devices and gateway nodes. from proprietary/silo approaches has been very useful, and hopefully other IIC members will get involved in future phases. This work has also led to building a stronger ties between oneM2M and IIC. oneM2M had an event in July 2017 which IIC members attended and presented. An IIC-oneM2M Joint Workshop 4 was held on February 8, 2018 in Reston, Virginia and it represented the first formal gathering between members from oneM2M and the IIC to talk about overlaps and common areas of interest, which may trigger some work in the future. This IIC-enabled collaboration has been a great opportunity for Huawei and InterDigital to build stronger ties and working relationships. There were no unexpected surprises along the way, and none of the interoperability testing would have been possible without the IIC’s OHTP venue. Having an OHTP venue within IIC to demonstrate a standards solution and the importance of scalable thinking as distinct  Return to beginning of this article  Return to Table of Contents The views expressed in the IIC Journal of Innovation are the contributing authors’ views and do not necessarily represent the views of their respective employers nor those of the Industrial Internet Consortium. © 2018 The Industrial Internet Consortium logo is a registered trademark of Object Management Group®. Other logos, products and company names referenced in this publication are property of their respective companies. 4 Presentation materials from IIC-oneM2M Workshop - http://www.iiconsortium.org/liaison-workshop.htm - 84 - March 2018