IIC Journal of Innovation 7th Edition | Page 13

I²M²—The Future of Industrial Internet Monetization Figure 7: Schematic relationship between different components and their payment (adapted from (IIC-IISF)) 1 operational control panel, yet another aggregate. The I²M² defines Components containing other Components as Aggregates. Aggregates can be contained again in other Aggregates. For example, the described desktop computer is an Aggregate built with Components such as a power supply, hard disk and keyboard while the PC board is another Aggregate with components such as a CPU, memory and BIOS software. And this desktop computer could be part of an Platforms An IIoT system as shown in Figures 5 and 6 can be spread across several platforms, including cloud, WAN and LAN connections and areas around the edge, where the physical components are installed and operated. A major difference between such platforms is the connectivity quality, as Figure 8: IIoT Connectivity Quality Model - 12 - March 2018