Huawei & InterDigital Demonstrate Open-Standard, IoT-Platform Interoperability
protocols; oneM2M handles these in a
standardized manner that is also extendable
to additional protocols as needs arise in the
Huawei-InterDigital testbed focused on
demonstrating the following:
o Interworking between platforms
belonging to two vendors.
o Multiple devices/applications
interworking to an IoT platform.
o Distributed, multi-hop communication
spanning network applications, cloud,
gateways and devices.
A foundational aspect of the oneM2M
standard is its architecture which provides a
way for different parties to collaborate on
the basis of a common representation
scheme and associated terminology. As
Figure 1 Overview of oneM2M Architecture and Terminology
From a use case perspective, testing
focused on the following:
illustrated in Figure 1, a representative IoT
application involves the collection of data
from a connected device or sensor (AE),
which may pass via a gateway (MN-CSE), to
an IoT platform (IN-CSE) and then onto an
application (AE) that embodies some form of
application logic (e.g. quality control,
predictive analysis, etc.). Decision outcomes
from the application logic might then trigger
some form of remote device actuation (AE).
o Interworking various types of sensor
and actuator devices to the multi-
vendor platform and making these
sensors/actuators discoverable and
usable by various types of
applications. This shows the horizontal
nature of the te stbed and how it can
be easily applied to other use cases.
Within the standard, the oneM2M
architecture includes an extension that
allows separate IoT environments to
interact, e.g. IN-CSE#1 to IN-CSE#2 and IN-
CSE#2 to AE#1, etc. The objectives of the
Some of the key technologies showcased
o Device and application registration
(authentication + authorization).
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March 2018