IIC Journal of Innovation 7th Edition | Page 76

Growing A Digital Mindset in the Lime Industry With An IIoT Platform…    my position, but then I cannot complain if I get in a 10km queue on the highway. Today, greater efficiency can be obtained. A common example is that, usually a company does not know when unplanned downtime will happen in the plant that should operate 24/7. Now, accessing the plant data not enables the detection, but also prioritize the predicted downtime event by importance to identify and solve the most crucial problem occurring in the plant.    Short-term focus Lack of time, resources or staff Leadership expects payoff sooner than is realistic Management incentives are not structured to reward innovation Lack of a systematic innovation process Belief that innovation is inherently risky O VERCOMING I NNOVATION B ARRIERS IN THE I NDUSTRY Once you have had a workforce of “digital natives,” who have come of age immersed in digital technology, they are not going to accept a tool kit from their employer that’s less robust than what they experience in their personal lives. On the one hand, human beings have been able to overcome many evolutionary challenges, so far, because they have been able to adapt. On the other hand, when it comes to proposing new ideas and strategies about business which may involve an evolutionary type of effort, we are often reticent to think about evolving in those terms. We are more inclined to stay in our “comfort zone.” Figure 73 MOSAICO ZERO Drill In Unplanned Downtime's List In old industries such as the Lime Industry, innovation can face many obstacles. Whether you are trying to lead an industry, create a new market or just do things differently, innovation is difficult. The following barriers are frequent and difficult to overcome: IIC Journal of Innovation - 75 -