Outcomes, Insights and Best Practices from IIC Testbeds: MQM Testbed
their own success stories. Through this
collaboration, the process, different phases,
elements and needs associated with the IIRA
structure used by the MQM Testbed will be
further explored, reinforcing the usefulness
and importance of the IIRA framework.
have a strong IoT presence in manufacturing,
especially on the production line renovation.
But with the help of CAICT and China
Telecom, they decided to give it a try.
Huawei showed them some of the IIC
testbed results and help them during every
step of the work. Two years later, the MQM
Testbed is reporting great success and Haier
management is very pleased with the work.
The MQM Testbed has pulled many of the
Chinese IIC members together for next
generation manufacturing work. This project
started two years ago when the IIC
ecosystem was still developing. There is a
strong need from China to have something
similar to Germany’s Industrie 4.0. MQM
triggered the emergence of China
Manufacturing 2025 in the Smart
Manufacturing category. The IIC’s testbed
program is a good way to group all of the
interests in China together.
Bringing an end user on board quickly at the
beginning of an Industrial IoT (IIoT) project
has proven to be a very significant step. It is
also important to help partners, who are not
familiar with IoT, build confidence, want to
participate in this leading edge IoT effort and
add to their existing process. Often,
companies will just want to consider proven
solutions which they can purchase and
implement right away. However, no matter
how ready the off-the-shelf solution may be,
additional efforts are required to turn any
new IoT solution into the one that can fit the
user’s needs. In this case, the user, Haier,
gained the confidence to try leading edge IoT
technology (AI-based analytic engine),
benefited from it and eagerly helped drive
the adoption. The MQM Testbed also helped
the testbed team learn something different
than the conventional IoT approach.
Technology vendors often think that they
have a solution for everything. They create
something in-house and then seek to sell it
to the world. The problem is that the users
have specific needs. As a result, the
frustration caused by the mismatch of this
ill-managed demand-supply relation is
growing. Through the exercise of the MQM
Testbed, the testbed team learned that
there are great products not being used and
there are users that urgently need solutions,
but no one is providing these solutions
because the vendors have not taken the
time to sit down with the end users,
Furthermore, it is IIC that brought the MQM
Testbed partners together. CAICT is a
research entity of the Chinese government
focusing on new technology trends for China
that would provide more global