IIC Journal of Innovation 5th Edition | Page 68

Industrial IoT Edge Architecture for Machine and Deep Learning Figure 13: Temperatures from four devices in use case example hard to detect at the edge. When Device 4 temperature is compared with median temperatures of all devices (in red) the anomaly in Device 4 is detected at the Platform tier. The edge model can be an anomaly detection model on a univariate time series. The platform model can be an anomaly detection model on a multivariate time series. The raw data from edge is used to train edge models whereas feature data extracted from the raw edge data are used for platform models. Models are stored in the model cache. Edge models are pushed to the edge inference engine, whereas platform models are pushed to the platform inference engine. Both models are served by the model serving engine. Figure 7 shows the edge and platform - 66 - architectures for training and inference as well as the data and model caches. Note that the human domain knowledge mentioned here for the Deep Learning training and inference has several components: 1. It is used to label training samples manually or automatically through an algorithm that applies rules based on human domain knowledge. 2. It is used to choose the models used for training. 3. It is used to provide auxiliary rules in addition to the Deep Learning models. 4. It is used to interpret the inference results and determine if the interpretations match human domain knowledge. September 2017