IIC Journal of Innovation 5th Edition | Page 86

A Practical Guide to Using the Industrial Internet Connectivity Framework Software systems built with OPC UA are typically compositions of existing modules like historians and HMIs. Direct OPC UA users are mostly device vendors. End OPC UA users are typically control or process engineers building and configuring systems of devices and existing software modules. OPC UA does not offer software teams integrating custom software help with complex interfaces that need a common system data model. store or analysis function. This is a rare application for either OPC UA or DDS, which work between devices. Also, oneM2M works by offering common services aimed at integrating mobile devices. None of the other technologies target this application. T HE F UTURE Combinations of the core standards will make great sense in the future. For instance, future complex software systems can use DDS, but access interchangeable OPC UA devices through a gateway. That design is powerful. DDS, on the other hand, directly supports large custom software integrations. It explicitly requires a system data model and then uses that to automatically enforce interfaces. It works well for building and integrating AI modules, custom software development and wide data distribution. Everything is redundant and massively parallel. Most DDS end users are teams of programmers with dozens or even thousands of developers. DDS frustrates non-programmers who want to quickly integrate devices without much new software. The IICF specifies an architecture for sharing data across connectivity technologies to allow this future, pervasive Industrial Internet. IIoT use cases are evolving from simple monitoring to optimization and finally to autonomy. These increasingly require more powerful integration. Today’s IIoT designs are relatively isolated within industries. Someday, there will also be cross-industry integrations, such as manufacturing systems integrated with transportation and power. More importantly, sophisticated autonomy software will reconfigure workcells, creating a bold new world for component device vendors. Wireless 5G systems will interoperate with freeway controllers and autonomous vehicles. 5G may even directly control factory devices, eliminating wiring in manufacturing. Thus, DDS and OPC UA target vastly different users. For OPC UA, end-user teams with more than a few programmers are rare. DDS is the opposite; most end-user teams have many programmers. That results in vastly different market penetration, depending on the integration challenge. For example, most OPC UA applications are in discrete manufacturing, while DDS has essentially none. That’s because discrete manufacturing systems today are built via device, rather than software, integration. However, designers should consider the vastness of the space. Today, there are few concrete needs to bridge the huge gaps between connectivity systems. That doesn’t Similarly, MQTT applications mostly target data collection from devices to a central - 84 - September 2017