IIC Journal of Innovation 5th Edition | Page 64

Industrial IoT Edge Architecture for Machine and Deep Learning detection, trends, prediction and forecasting algorithms, and associations and grouping algorithms. Machine Learning evolved out of the sciences of statistics and probability theory. Deep Learning evolved out of artificial neural networks and has many types including: 1. Convolutional networks, which have been very successful in classifying images and videos. 2. Recurrent networks, which are known to perform well on text, speech and natural language. 3. Deep belief networks, which have performed well on un-supervised and semi-supervised cases. The Asimov Institute (www.asimovinstitute.org/neural-network- zoo) shows descriptions and figures for various types of Deep Learning networks. proven superior accuracy on images and texts as well as high volume time series data. However, Deep Learning has high computational needs and has the following disadvantages: 1. Difficult to select model type and topology 2. Difficult to interpret models for validation 3. Computationally intensive and may require specialized hardware. 4. Overfitting is common due to layers of abstraction Note that most Deep Learning typically requires specialized hardware such as GPUs to handle high volume of data but the same can be achieved with CPUs at higher density of computational units. Ongoing research such as Tensor2Tensor are continually improving the performance of Deep Learning. In the context of IIoT we have all these types of data and learning. We have unstructured text/log data as well as speech and sound. Structured data consists of images, spectrographs and time series data. Traditional methods of Machine Learning have the following issues: A use case for separating Machine and Deep Learning at the edge and Platform tiers is given in the section below. 1. Extensive feature engineering before using the data, 2. Cannot easily deal with high volume and high dimensional data, 3. Cannot decipher interdependency of data and complex high varying non- linear functions. The edge consists of the edge devices such as sensors and actuators commonly known as “things,” device aggregators and gateways. Figure 3 shows the typical components of the edge. E DGE T IER A RCHITECTURE FOR M ACHINE AND D EEP L EARNING Hence the performance of these algorithms is limited to smaller volumes of data and their accuracy and predictability has room for improvement. Deep Learning has fundamentally changed this with its well- - 62 - September 2017