IIC Journal of Innovation 5th Edition | Page 25

Edge Intelligence: The Central Cloud is Dead – Long Live the Edge Cloud! In the world of software-defined networking (SDN), the intelligence resides in the SDN controller that informs one or multiple SDN switches how to route packets (Figure 3-27). The SDN switches are programmable switches that interface via a protocol with the SDN controller. Monitoring of the data flows is also supported so that the SDN controller can be informed about the traffic the SDN switches are handling. connecting end devices across the range of access networks from Wi-Fi and LTE towards NB-IoT, unlicensed spectrum LTE (LTE-U) and ubiquitous satellite connections. U SE C ASES AND R EQUIREMENTS FOR E DGE I NTELLIGENCE Factory Productivity Improvement For factory operators, it is important to improve productivity to maximize profits and minimize waste. Big data analysis realized through a combination of edge computing and cloud computing can contribute substantially to factory productivity improvement. Edge computing with intelligence converts data collected from the shop floor into data which can be analyzed by cloud computing. The analysis result leads to reduction in number of products identified to be defective by mistake and also enables predictive maintenance, which can reduce factory down time. The flexibility of the software-defined networks is that initial switching algorithms or policies can be provided to the switching layer and, based on rules/policies/algorithms provided by the edge nodes, the master switching entity can adapt and improve the edge switching intelligence. The SDN switches can receive algorithms to process the data, and based on the traffic that is monitored can improve the algorithm and upload it to the SDN controller. Thus, SDN provides highly efficient and low-cost automatic Operation and Maintenance (O&M) and realizes policy collaboration, convergence of networks and security. Connected City Lighting Network Slicing is a technology that allows Service Providers to build their own edge or core network using core network software components. While bringing safety, convenience, and ambience to urban citizens, city lights consume a vast amount of energy and operational costs for municipalities. To address these issues, connected city lighting is being developed to optimize lighting coverage and resource usage. Firstly, integrated smart lighting policies ensure efficiency by controlling lights according to time, ambient light conditions, and weather. Secondly, online monitoring of each light’s status in real time can automatically alert the maintenance through edge computing node once a malfunction occurs. The The 5G Core Network standardized by 3GPP takes advantage of the SDN as well as network slicing technologies, allowing for isolated dedicated networks to be built and managed. The networks can then adapt based on triggers coming from the application domains, e.g. alarms from detected security threats or other events. Due to the softwarization of the 5G Core Network, there is a uniform approach for IIC Journal of Innovation - 23 -