IIC Journal of Innovation 3rd Edition | Page 34

Making Factories Smarter Through Machine Learning
real time on the intelligent gateway and compared to trained data to identify anomalous operation and predict degradation down to the component level , prior to system failure .
Operational failure of the CNC machines ’ spindles can result in hundreds of thousands of dollars of damages 13 . When spindle internal bearings fail , they effectively create a chain reaction that can destroy any linked device in close proximity due to stored energy . One such occurrence can shut down the production line for weeks , depending on the severity and spare parts availability . Total impact in terms of cost for a failure of this nature must include cost of materials and labor needed to replace the damaged parts and costs incurred due to system downtime , idling an entire production line and costs associated to delay of the assembly of vehicles waiting for the powertrains . Accounting for all related aspects including the idled workforce , total cost impact can easily reach millions of dollars per week .
For example , a major manufacturer installed a monitoring system where data was being captured but never analyzed . During a post mortem of a CNC spindle failure , closer analysis of the data revealed telltale signs indicating the system functionality was outside of its normal operating range . Specifically , key vibration data acquired days prior to the failure , as shown in Figure 3 , had a first peak , where failure initiated . At this first peak the only damaged part was a ball-bearing inside the component . Four days later , parts inside the bearing started to damage other nearby parts creating a catastrophic failure , where a 1.4g peak has been registered . At the first peak , the damage cost 25,000 € ( Euro ). At the second peak , the damage cost was 250,000 €.
Figure 2 : Data leading up to a CNC spindle failure with spikes reflecting anomalous behavior
X . W . B . A . S . D . &. L . J . Jin , « Present Status and Future Growth of Advanced Maintenance Technology and Strategy in US Manufacturing ,» International journal of prognostics and health management , vol . 7 , 2016
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