IIC Journal of Innovation 3rd Edition | Page 24

Results , Insights and Best Practices from IIC Testbeds : Time-Sensitive Networking Testbed
TSN Testbed Overview Diagram
The testbed team decided from the beginning this would not be a short-term testbed – throw some technologies at it , get a quick result and proof of concept and walk away from it . A fixed location was established at National Instruments – the NI Industrial IoT Lab – which provided the team with a permanent home for their collaboration . The Lab is available for anyone to test their product or technology to determine how they might work with a TSN set of systems . Companies may validate their progress in larger groups – via plugfests – or independently .
Plugfests are face-to-face events where the participants gather to test their enhanced products and technology . Using the testing tools , participants check their progress and how well their devices are working with other devices and networks . As the plugfests progress , the participants continually add more features and functions to what they imagine can be tested . IIC members and non-members alike can request participation in these plugfests . Ideally , potential participants come and add value , capabilities or something to the overall plugfest that goes beyond simply receiving feedback on a product .
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