IIC Journal of Innovation 3rd Edition | Page 16

Blurry Box Encryption Scheme and Why it Matters to Industrial IoT
Industrie 4.0 9 can only take off if holistic and sustainable security architectures with software protections are implemented . The increasing number of networked devices is a magnet for cyberattackers ready to exploit vulnerabilities and manipulate production processes to cause massive damage or seize technical know-how . The opportunity to test preventative measures at SmartFactory KL , a leading competence center and manufacturer-independent demonstration and research platform , delivered great results for all manufacturing vendors .
The flexible production line designed according to Industrie 4.0 principles at SmartFactory KL has been upgraded with added security . Software protections have been applied to the connected IoT and cyber-physical systems that form part of the facilities . Cryptographic keys for secure communication with open standard OPC UA are stored securely in secure elements . The product data used in the production process and stored in RFID tags is secured by digitally signing the data on the tags . Its integrity is protected from the tag to the cloud or vice versa and verified with tablet computers on the shop floor . This ensures that the production line only accepts valid production data from authorized parties .
Microcontrollers are the heart of some of today ’ s IoT devices : Small , energy-efficient systems that implement the algorithms and features for sensors , actuators , motor controls , and more . They communicate via open networks and need appropriate protection . The chapter , Protecting Endpoints , of the IIC ’ s Industrial Internet Security Framework ( IISF ) describes these requirements : Software protection , which is a must , is the basic vehicle for truly secure IoT devices . To facilitate this , makers of microcontroller and semiconductor integrate protection mechanisms in their development tools and offer secure boot strap loaders . This allows production volume controls , secure , tamper-proof firmware downloads and updates as well as flexible feature licensing . IoT / IIoT devices using such features include different sensors with intelligent preprocessing and network interfaces , intelligent RFID-readers with OPC UA communication , pumps , actuators , valves , or intelligent grippers . Manufacturers benefit from lower logistics costs due to unified production and feature configuration during final tests or even at the customer . After-sales business will be created with the app-store concept known from the consumer market . Licensing is key to new monetization mechanisms in today ’ s digitization .
Modern machines communicate hierarchically with Manufacturing Execution Systems ( MES ) and Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) systems . Integrated robots contain PLCs and multiple intelligent servo mechanisms . A milling machine has a PLC and a set of sensors and actuators .
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