IIC Journal of Innovation 3rd Edition | Page 14

Blurry Box Encryption Scheme and Why it Matters to Industrial IoT
together cover the entire input range for the original function block , retaining the functionality of the original function block in the protected program . Furthermore , moving the wrapper functions into the dongle does not alter the functionality if inputs are mapped to correct variants , i . e . the variants that compute the correct outputs for the respective input values . If a variant is constructed using an approximation technique , it has to be shown that this approximation is good enough . The approximation error has to be smaller than a given value ε that depends on the application . Due to limited machine accuracy , the original program may already have an approximation error .
An implementation of these mechanisms in protection solutions requires experience with tools to create robust protected applications while avoiding false positives in traps . Decrypted program code is checked with hashes and executed only if these are correct . Restarting and using specified functions needs no preset state .
Know-how protection is key for keeping Unique Selling Points ( USPs ) and retaining competitive advantages . Protection against counterfeiting secures revenue streams . Integrity protection reduces liability risks and improves safety for society , human life , and the environment . Innovative business models using software licensing enable new earning and post-sales opportunities .
The protection mechanisms described in this article exceed the standard required by the market , but give manufacturers a clear sense for the effectiveness of a protection solution prior to implementing it . In times of increasing cyberattacks and espionage , as well as smart grids in critical infrastructure and industrial automation systems , preventive protection systems have become more important than ever before .
Reverse engineering can be used to reveal the algorithms and mechanisms realized through software . Typical tools are disassemblers or de-compilers , including sophisticated tools like IDApro for native code , Reflector with plugins for . NET , and Java de-compilers like JD . In combination with memory dumps of executable code , these tools can analyze executable code . Competitors can use this knowledge to implement the mechanisms in their own software without having to invest major efforts in R & D .
When unscrupulous attackers know the program code , there is also a risk for the data processed by it . Hackers use this knowledge to develop malware and other attacks by detecting weak implementations and security holes .
Mechanisms that can make reverse engineering very difficult include :
1 . Code encryption 2 . Code duplication
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