IIC Journal of Innovation 21st Edition January 2023 | Page 44

the suppliers , and ask for the PCF of each component . The supplier receives the request to share the PCF of the sold component and reaches out to a trusted issuer within the TSX network . The issuer then takes the request for a VC for the product and validates that the process requirements are followed for calculating the PCF . It creates a VC for the product and cryptographically signs the VC so that its origin can be approved and shown that it indeed is coming from a trusted source within the TSX network .
After VC creation , the issuer sends the VC for the PCF to the requesting party . Upon receiving the VC , the supplier stores it in the digital wallet and therefore fulfils the customer ’ s request . According to our example and to Figure 2 , this refers to the PCF of the PLCs plastic housing .
Upon receiving the VC for the PCF of the supplier , the manufacturer can verify that the trusted issuer signed the VC . Once the public key is retrieved from the data registry provided by Hyperledger Indy , it is used to determine the integrity of the VC and it is ascertained , if a trusted issuer in the TSX network in fact issues the VC . This process of receiving and sharing the VC for PCF is repeated with all suppliers of PLC components listed in the BoM . This enables the manufacturer to calculate the PCF for all components . The manufacturer measures the energy consumption as well as the heating carbon footprint generated by the assets of its own shopfloor . All these carbon emissions are then aggregated to calculate the PCF . After completion , the manufacturer reaches out to a trusted issuer to get a VC for the PCF of the finished PLC , which it can share with customers .
The existence of climate change is undeniable . Hence , it is important that we join forces to keep our planet inhabitable for future generations . The vision of ESTAINIUM as an association that promotes the use of IIOT technology , such as verifiable credentials , helps us achieve this by enabling manufacturers to be sustainable in their processes and to manage and reduce the impact of industrial production on our climate . Therefore , TSX as an approach for measuring and sharing PCF data through the VC technology can help us in achieving the goal of Net Zero carbon production since data is shared for a greater purpose than just to monetarize it . Despite many uncertainties with centralized and closed ecosystems , the TSX concept delivers an approach for successful data sharing due to its inbuilt trustworthiness and interoperability .
[ 1 ] Agency , United States Environmental Protection . Overview of Greenhouse Gases . Greenhouse Gas Emissions . [ Online ] https :// www . epa . gov / ghgemissions / overview-greenhousegases .
[ 2 ] IPCC , 2018 : Global Warming of 1.5 ° C . [ Online ] https :// www . ipcc . ch / site / assets / uploads / sites / 2 / 2019 / 06 / SR15 _ Full _ Report _ Low _ Res . pdf
[ 3 ] https :// www . edie . net / news / 11 / Boris-Johnson-pledges-action-on--coal--cars--cash-andtrees--at-COP26 /
40 January 2023