IIC Journal of Innovation 21st Edition January 2023 | Page 15

[ 1 ] Next Big Thing AG , Trends Shaping the Machine Economy – A Guide to Corporate Innovation for a New Era of Industrial Companies , 2020 Report .
[ 2 ] S . Voshmgir , What is the Token Economy ?, O ’ Reilly Media , Inc ., October 2019 .
[ 3 ] M . Buchheit , F . Hirsch , R . A . Martin , V . Bemmel , A . J . Espinosa , B . Zarkout , C . F . Hart , and M . Tseng , The Industrial Internet of Things Trustworthiness Framework Foundation , An Industry IoT Consortium Foundational Document , https :// www . iiconsortium . org / pdf / Trustworthiness _ Framework _ Foundations . pdf
[ 4 ] J . Zao , C . Byers , B . Murphy , S . AbiEzzi , D . Banks , K . An , F . Michaud , and K . Bartfai-Walcott , Distributed Computing in the Edge , An Industry IoT Consortium Whitepaper , https :// www . iiconsortium . org / pdf / IIoT-Distributed-Computing-in-the-Edge . pdf
[ 5 ] L . Perlman , Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies , Financial Inclusion Global Initiative ( FIGI ), https :// figi . itu . int / wp-content / uploads / 2021 / 04 / Security-Aspects-of- Distributed-Ledger-Technologies-1 . pdf
[ 6 ] Z . Zou , DeFi : The Next-Gen Revolution in Supply Chain Financing , Supply Chain Brain , https :// www . supplychainbrain . com / blogs / 1-think-tank / post / 34811-defi-the-next-genrevolution-in-supply-chain-financing
[ 7 ] T . Lung , How Brands Are Revolutionizing Consumer Engagement with NFTs , Forbes Business Council , https :// www . forbes . com / sites / tiffanylung / 2022 / 03 / 30 / how-brands-arerevolutionizing-consumer-engagement-with-nfts
[ 8 ] P . Brody , How DAOs Will Transform the Customer Experience , Nasdaq , https :// www . nasdaq . com / articles / how-daos-will-transform-the-customer-experience
[ 9 ] X . Fan , How Can Blockchain and Digital Payments Reinvent the Internet of Things ?, Forbes Business Council , https :// www . forbes . com / sites / forbesbusinesscouncil / 2022 / 04 / 05 / how-canblockchain-and-digital-payments-reinvent-the-internet-of-things , April 5 , 2022 .
[ 10 ] X . Fan , How Can Web2-Based IoT Businesses Join the Web3 Revolution ?, Forbes Business Council , https :// www . forbes . com / sites / forbesbusinesscouncil / 2022 / 08 / 04 / how-can-web2- based-iot-businesses-join-the-web3-revolution , August 4 , 2022 .
[ 11 ] E-money revolutionizes the blockchain – Achema article by Dr . -Ing. Silvio Stephan , Orbit
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[ 12 ] Helium & LoRaWAN . https :// www . helium . com / lorawan [ 13 ] Helium 5G . https :// www . helium . com / 5G [ 14 ] Pollen Mobile . https :// www . pollenmobile . io / [ 15 ] Nodle . https :// www . nodle . com /
IIC Journal of Innovation 11