IIC Journal of Innovation 19th Edition The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Industry | Page 29

Design Considerations and Guidelines
• What is the economic viability of the ecosystem ( IEEE Std 3652.1-2020 , 2021 )? For example , what are the incentive provisions for clients to participate in such ecosystem ? What is the return on investment ( ROI ) of participation ?
• What are the potential risks ( e . g . data protection , cyber security ) and barriers ( e . g . economic , regulatory ) for participation in a FedL ecosystem ?
Step 2 : Potential participants
• Who can be the targeted participants based on the problem at hand and the proposed business model ?
• What is the potential value that can be generated by each participant that cannot be achieved individually ?
• What is the minimum number of participants required to sustain such ecosystem ?
Step 3 : FedL mode of operation
• What are the typical requirements ( i . e ., quick response time , high accuracy etc .) of the problem addressed by the FedL solution ?
• Do participating organizations have suitable resources ( computational and communication ) to meet these requirements ?
Step 4 : Governance structures
• Who will orchestrate the global model training in each of the FedL mode of operation ?
• What are the provisions to ensure resource ( computational and communication ) allocation for model training and update among participatory clients ?
• What provisions are to be taken to ensure the security and quality of the shared model updates ?
• What provisions are to be taken to prevent the centralized orchestrator to be compromised ?
Step 5 : Available technological drivers
• What are the available technological solutions to realize the FedL ecosystem ?
• How prepared are participatory organizations for an initial development of such ecosystem ?
Answering design questions pertaining to each step is important to gather the solution requirements and influences the methodology taken for implementing the technological solutions required . This may also include sensitizing potential participants about the business model and value that can be generated from participating in such ecosystem and preparing them fully before adapting the FedL solution .
24 March 2022