IIC Journal of Innovation 19th Edition The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Industry | Page 20

Applicative Framework for End-to-End AOI Implementation
• Porosity detection . Since radial light is not reflected by concavities , the defects are well visible and much darker than the general surface . In a grey-scale image , the darker the visual color the lower the correspondent pixel value . Thus , the algorithm computes the average of the pixel values inside the isolated circumference and compares it to a defined threshold to discriminate between good and bad parts ( Figure 3-5 ).
The threshold is set in advance by means of elemental statistical analysis : 250 images of good components have been collected and pixel average values computed for each image . The threshold is set by averaging once again all the results obtained and decreasing the result by a factor equal to three times the standard deviation of the original population .


In this study , after assessing a lack of information in literature regarding concrete implementations of end-to-end AOI systems , the authors described a framework easily able to be adapted to existing manufacturing processes and requiring limited investments . Its technical feasibility , as well as its scalability , were demonstrated through two different use cases , where the proposed solution was integrated into existing vacuum and oil pumps assembly lines in a noninvasive manner .
Adaptability and easy implementation were the main advantages achieved .


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IIC Journal of Innovation 15