IIC Journal of Innovation 19th Edition The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Industry | Page 13

Applicative Framework for End-to-End AOI Implementation
Communication between all the components is enabled by traditional USB and Ethernet connections . In addition , they share information by means of the electrical signals , managed through I / O modules , sent and interpreted by the Master Coordinator .
Information exchange between PLC and AOI systems , instead , is performed through IoT Gateway .
The Master coordinator represents the pillar of the entire architecture , managing the overall logic of the AOI structure . It is composed by two main modules , each of them controlling a different step of the flow :
1 . Input / Output coordinator : it receives and sends electrical signals from and to external devices ( e . g . sensor / RFID reader detecting the presence of a new object to be inspected , camera to start acquisition of a new frame , traffic lights for a visual feedback communicating the outcome of the control back to the operators ).
Figure 2-2 : Libraries and Python commands used to manage input and output signals through the Digital I / O modules .
In addition , through the IoT Gateway , the Input / Output coordinator retrieves information about parameters or requirements to be considered during the analysis and it communicates the outcome of the visual check to the PLC .
2 . Image Processing module : it contains the AOI algorithm , selected for the specific task to be addressed .
8 March 2022