IIC Journal of Innovation 16th Edition | Page 72

Digital Twin and IIoT in Optimizing Manufacturing Process and Quality Management
quality management practice in order to come up with the business requirements , which partly requiring changes in the operation processes and organization , and partly to be implemented by the software solution , in a way to solidify and augment the operational management methodology and best practice in software .
The Lean management approach relies on three key ideas 7 :
• identify the value and value stream in an operation flow or process to drive value delivery
• eliminate waste ( things that do not bring value to the end product )
• continuous improvement
with key operatives in eliminate waste and continuous improvement .
The Six Sigma 8 approach aims to management processes that can be defined , measured , analyzed , improved , and controlled ( DMAIC ) using a set of advanced statistical and project management toolset with a goal of keeping tolerance of fluctuation under ± 6σ ( standard deviation of the requirement ).
Fig . 3-1 : Examples of process control parameter real time monitoring with built-in statistical analysis and alerts .
Lean management is keen on driving out waste , promotes standardization in workflows and procedures , and continuing improvement , whereas Six Sigma focuses on reducing process variation and enhancing process control . These two methodologies in management overlap and otherwise complement each other with diminishing distinction .
7 https :// kanbanize . com / lean-management / what-is-lean-management
8 https :// asq . org / quality-resources / sixsigma #:~: text = Six % 20Sigma % 20is % 20a % 20method , quality % 20of % 20products % 20or % 20services .
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